Hi everyone! It's Cheryl...:)
When I was just in the beginning stages of the Cartwheels In My Mind website, I searched around for someone I could hire to design this blog for me, but soon realized that it's a pretty pricey endeavor and ultimately decided to try my hand at designing it myself. And I have to say, I fell in love with the entire process. It's so amazing seeing your vision come to life while learning a new art-form at the same time.
And because I enjoy it so much and realize how expensive it can get for other bloggers...I decided to offer an alternative to the normal blog design options...the BLOG FACELIFT.
Here's a little information about the price and what the package includes:
-Custom banner that reflects who you are as an artist/blogger
-Custom color palette
-Sidebar rearrangement
-Custom profile photo/company logo
And here are a few extras you can get:
CUSTOM BUTTON (Static): $20
-small square graphic custom designed to fit your blog's aesthetic to use as a promotional tool for your blog or business.
-after the first button, any additional graphics are only $12
-small square blinking graphic custom designed to fit your blog's aesthetic to use as a promotional tool for your blog or business.
-Each widget includes 3 coordinating graphics that blink slowly to draw attention from viewers.
I only accept Paypal for now, but if you don't have it and want a facelift for your blog please contact me so we can figure something out...
*Design prices are in US dollars and payment is non-refundable.
I am also open to designing blogs from scratch/doing blog makeovers by request. Just e-mail me for prices and we'll figure out exactly what you want!
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] for more information about helping you create a site that suits you perfectly.