1. my family…husband Eric, children: Wyatt (5) and Charlotte Rose (3)
2. you can find me…here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/amy_lucky_number_13/
and here: http://amyluckynumber13.blogspot.com/
3. my inspiration…anything and everything! My kids, nature, antique stores, old signs, books, old photographs, music.
3. i'd never turn down… a doughnut.
4. if i could be anything i'd be…an amazing guitar player.
5. when i'm creating i always…remember why I love photography so much!
6. i get excited about…a really good estate sale.
7. i steer clear of…negativity.
8. i design for…myself. I never have anyone else in mind and try to never, ever consider what anyone else would think of what I am creating.
9. one day i'll…live in the country.
10.the last time i did a cartwheel…I was much younger…not sure I still could!