Tis the season to make christmas cards... fa la la la la... la la la LAAAAAA. Hello again and welcome! I'm just loving our month-long winter wonderland/christmas shadoobee fest/holiday awesomeness. Aren't you?!? Hey, speaking of awesome do you remember Cindy Ruijgrok? Yeah?Well, guess what I have for you? Another mini scrapbook from her very cute etsy shop. {in case you missed the one that Christy did you can check it out here}
Would you like to know what my top 10 favorite things about Christmas time are?
You may be slightly confused on why I included "shopping" instead of only gift buying. Well, I like to always include a little "to me from me" nifty gifty. And I may or may not wrap it up {don't judge me}. Don't get me wrong, I LOOOVE to buy for others but you never know what deals you'll come across {and if it so happens to be in my size then I guess it's meant to be}. :D
A special thanks goes out to Cindy for sponsoring Cartwheels and allowing us to share with our viewers your products! :) YOU ROCK!
If your wondering what gift to give this holiday season you should definitely check out her etsy shop!