Hi y'all! Everyone ready for the weekend say, "HUZZAH"! I'm uber pumped about it because I get to see a long lost friend who moved to Tampa. By the way, did I tell y'all that I'm back in the U.S. of A for a MONTH!?!? FREAKING AWESOME, right?! Free refills have never tasted so good. Did I just hear someone ask why am I home for a month? Weeeeeeeell, a: because I wanted to... b: because I had some photo shoots lined up... c: I needed some family time.
In other news, let's focus on today's posty post! One word: Flickr. Oh yes, people. I hope you know about our little group. If you're creative and want to post some of your art somewhere you should do it on the Cartwheel's group page. EVERYONE'S DOING IT {peer pressure}.
Kerry Lynn Yeary needs no introduction... she is no stranger to our Flickr group or Cartwheels. Kerry, we love you and your fantabulous talent!
Miya 6. Um, loooooove this key. Can I have it? Pretty please?!?
Katie Bug Girl 219. Can I just say how much I LOOOOOVE this undie art!?!? Haha. This is awesome on every level. And the stashes... icing on the cake!
Whadya say about making some posty posts of your own on our site??? You might just see your art show up on our site! So don't forget to join our Flickr group. We would looooove to see there! Happy weekend!!