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February 21, 2011


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Melonie Madison

I am just SOOOO happy you are back! So sorry to read about your Grandma...we are never prepared to lose those we love...here's to your heart healing and finding peace:) Welcome back to blogland.


HOORAY for new Cartwheels inspiration.

Carla Grace, Middleburg, Florida

So happy to see Cartwheels back. It's been a long time but understandably so on your part. Please accept my sympathies for your family's loss. Here's to hoping your blog fans can lift you up for at least a little while. Thanks for returning and keeping us inspired.


Great to see you back again Cheryl...I am always so inspired by your art, but also your words. They always seem to ring so true to me.

Keshet Shenkar

So sorry about everything that's been going on and glad to see you're back!

Staci Taylor

Soo glad you guys are back!! The nursery peek looks fab, and look at Gracie standing!!! Clearly it's been too long - hope we can hang soon, my friend! I know your grandmother must have been so proud of you and she's now smiling down on you and your cuties!

tara pollard pakosta

the babies are so BIG!
the nursery is adorable!!!

I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, I know how much you love your family. that's so terrible to lose someone so very special.

much love & hugs.
and missing you LOTS!


cheryl!! aw... you are the best! for reals. i love our convos/shared inspiration/and everything in between! i'm so excited about 2011!!1 :D

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