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February 25, 2011


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Carla G.

Such a sweet addition to your home! I love it! Funny thing, my oldest daughter is also using my hubby's dresser from his childhood room. I have wanted to change it out, but can't seem to part with it.

We don't have any "work" this weekend, but I hope to go thrifting tomorrow morning along with some gardening down here in sunny Florida.


really love this canvas : colors and birds are perfect!

Nursery Furniture

Hey that's a really lovely canvas. I have one such with me as well and I just love it. Also I really appreciate the pictures you have put up, just check out the smile on that kid's face, Isn't it lovely?

Sevenoaks Furniture

That is really cute. Thanks for sharing this in here. I love it!

לחץ כאן

Awesome art work! I never see such wonderful work. Great job done by you. I like it, it's very beautiful. Stay up the good work.

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