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February 24, 2011


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What an awesome giveaway!!!! Let's see.....I hate having wet hair down. I can't stand it! When I blow dry it, I always put a towel over my shoulders so I can't feel it at all.


I love chunky necklaces like that!

Something random about me is that before I leave for work in the morning, I always put my hand over the bathroom electrical outlet so that I can be super duper sure that I've unplugged my hair dryer and straightener. Kind of OCD, I know. lol


I was a tap dancer for 14 years so I am awesome at walking in heels (though I hardly ever wear them)!

Maggie M

Gorgeous necklace! Thanks for the chance to win!

My quirky fact...I LOVE LOVE LOVE getting into a hot car in the middle of summer...really, truly. It's so comforting to me...;)

Lillian Child

Love the chunky look! A quirky fact about me is that I can type faster than my boss can dictate ... he will stand at my cubicle and dictate a quick letter, and by the time he "says" the word "period" for the end of the sentence, I've already typed it.


Gorgeous necklace!!

Hmmm...my quirky fact. I am addicted to Bath and Body Works lotion. But I'm not allowed to wear scents to work, so I have tons that I can't wear very often.

Sabrina at Tutus and Chaos

Hmm...I count random things. Driving down the street I always catch myself counting lamp posts...or tiles on floors. Weird I know.


Love Anthropologie. Random fact...I LOVE to vacuum. Love the feeling and the sound of sucking up the dirt!! Hahah weird, I know

Carla G.

Oooh, I've never owned a jewelry piece from Anthropologie...I just visit to drool over their displays, and I've asked for their cast-offs with no luck. :) One random fact about me is....I hate to drink anything without using a straw. I can't stand the thought of the liquid hitting my front teeth....everything tastes better when sipped through a straw. In fact, I think I might purchase some glass straws to wash and reuse instead of buying and trashing the plastic ones I currently have.

elizabeth rosemond

CUUUTE! Hmmmm...I can't watch live TV anymore. Ever. I have to record EVERYTHING now. Of course, this means I watch entirely too much TV. LOL!!

Jenny Dziekan

hmm, quirky? i can't drink soda out of a can. it HAS to be on ice.


Cute necklace! I'm 36 and I still snoop for my Christmas and birthday presents!


love your nursery! almost makes me wish for another ... nope, not quite. enjoy while you have em!
oh, and, i want that necklace!

Mindie P.

I guess a quirky fact about me is, I love Elvis Presley music. Don't know why, I just do. Love this necklace!!!

Brooke Mann

Love this piece of jewelry/art...random quirky fact about me is when I dry my hands with paper toweling, I always count how many I pull in my head...usually it's 5 sheets. :0)love you

Danielle K

Great giveaway! I hate the sound of ripping paper... makes me shudder!! Thanks :)

danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

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