oh, hi! :)
i'm roxy from grrfeisty.com. since we've probably never met, let me go ahead and share a little bit about myself.
i currently reside in houston, tx with 3 lovely dogs, and one lovely boyfriend. my 9-5 [technically 8-4 :) ] consists of educating young minds in the ways of mathematics. but really, aren't we so much more than our day jobs? :) i love photography, crafting, traveling, blogging, and smooching cute animals. hopefully i can get to know so many more crafty minds through this lovely opportunity, and this meeting can be more two sided!
on to the packaging!
i think we can all agree that receiving something in the mail, whether an order or gift, is extremely exciting :) - and all the more when it looks amazing and is filled with surprises!
materials: a lot of these items are optional, but they are what i will be using today :)
colored pens, scissors, twine, stickers, freebies, stamps, stamp pad, biz cards, tissue paper, gift tag, mailing envelope [padded], cards stock, and of course, the gift/item.

first you will need to fold your tissue paper into fourths. it usually doesn't matter in which direction, but i like to fold it "hot dog style" [or long ways :)].
roll the item up in the tissue paper. i shoot for a rectangle. tucked within my quadrilateral i have placed a personalized thank you note, a business card, and a little mustachasaurus brooch.
the thank you note is a little rectangular piece of cardstock. fold it in half, add a sticker, and voila! a little mini card :)
once i've wrapped up the item and added a sticker to hold it closed, i twine up the gift, add a gift tag, and one of my freebies. doesn't it already look so much cuter? ;)
now to the actual envelope! this is the first thing seen by the receiver - so make sure to get them ever-so-excited to rip it apart on their way to its creamy center!
i've purchased a couple stamps from etsy.com. one is my address label, the other is a thank you stamp with my shop link.

the third stamp i created by carving out my own mustachasaurus design. sometimes i add a fourth little owl stamp because, let's face it, who isn't diggin' owls? :)

stamp up the envelope, write in the address, add any more cute little drawings, and ta-da!
[thank you stamp is on the back!]
once you've added your prettily wrapped up item and freebies, you are ready to send your amazing gift off into mailman [or woman] land.

if i am feeling extra gifty, i'll use extra colorful envelopes, add a tree drawing to one side, use bigger stamps....go crazy!
i hope you all have enjoyed my little packaging tutorial! thanks so much to cheryl for offering me this great opportunity!
have a lovely holiday season! and be sure to show your love and appreciation to friends, family, and customers with some adorable mail ;)