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August 27, 2010


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Tammy  Kay

Great interview. I check Ashley's blog every weekday. She is the best.


I found your blog a couple of weeks ago, and am so impressed and inspired by all the fabulous content and variety here! I love it all...thanks for sharing it with the rest of us!!

visiting today from Freckled Nest...


i just love ashley! she is the type of mum i want to be when i have kids of my own.
thanks for a great interview. <3

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I've read four and I'm reading through them fast. I hope they do a reprint as I cannot find the other five anywhere. Please reprint them. Having commissioned these specially as a collectable only would be a pity.


i am such a fan of ashley's blog and her continuous inspiration!!
i find myself bookmarking at least one post each week..."don't forget to go back and try your hand at that..." or "that would look so cute in this room", etc.
thank you for this sweet interview with an adorable, crafty soul! :)

tasha roe

FUN interview! I am a huge fan of hers - even did a baby shower inspired by Ashly Ann!
so very inspiring in so many ways.

Colleen S

Great interview. Love her site!

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I'm not genuinely certain if very best practices have emerged all-around points like that, but I'm confident that your good employment is evidently identified. I was asking yourself when you offer you any subscription for your RSS feeds as I can be really fascinated.


love, love all of ashley's creativity and her awesome blog. what a great woman to interview!


great interview. ashleys blog is awesome. definitely something to read everyday! so much inspiration.


Ashley's blog is one of my daily reads...usually while the kids are asleep :) Thanks for letting us learn a little more about her!



Hi from Freckled Nest! What an awesome post...I'm so glad I checked out your blog. Very inspiring.


Great interview ... love her style!

yuma self storage

Beautifully made! Love the structure.

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