Digital Camera + Photoshop = Actions. Right? Well, for most of us, that is the case.
I remember when I first purchased Photoshop. My very next purchase was a set of actions. I had NO IDEA what I was doing in Photoshop but I figured out how to use an action and make my photos look different with a click of a mouse. Sometimes it was a good thing. Sometimes not so good. But with those actions, I learned. I learned what I liked and what I don't like. I learned what worked and what was a little wonky.
I know some photographers say they don't use actions and they have their own way of editing. And yep, that's true for some. But my philosophy is WHY NOT? It makes editing more simple & faster for me. I have a few actions that are my favorites and even with those, I often give it my own twist and tweak them to my liking and then add my own touches in Photoshop. So even though you may use someone else's actions, you can easily mix them up to create your own look and style.
Here are a few before & afters I've put together.
One GREAT way to learn what you can do in Photoshop is breaking down your favorite action step by step. Try each step on your own and see how it changes or affects your image. It's a great way to learn what Curves does or how Levels affects your photo, etc. Try it. You might learn something new!
And I know this question is going to come up. What actions do I use? I LOVE Totally Rad Actionsand at least one of their actions on every image I edit. A few of my TRA faves...Oh Snap!, Warm It Up, Kris! and Ying/Yang. I also love the actions from Andie Smith Designs. Her Awesome Eyes action rocks! And then of course, there are the fab Pioneer Woman Actions...that are absolutely FREE. You can find them on her site.
Have any photography questions for me? I'll be posting a FAQ's post in the weeks to come so bring on the questions! I'll do my best to help a sista (or a brotha) out! :)
What is the action you used on the first picture? I love how the color pops on that and the guy aint hard on the eyes lol
Posted by: Melissa Martinez | August 06, 2010 at 09:25 PM