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July 01, 2010


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Sherry Cartwright

What an awesome month of inspiration Cartwheels has provided me. Thank YOU all!


thank you for opening this creative blog----
i'm so lovin'[ this funkee freSH place----
you have a follower for life!!!
remain blessed!!!!

jenn h

I can't beleive that it has already been a month...but what a great inspiring month it has been..thank you for sharing something new and fun everyday:)


this is a really great blog, I truly enjoy when I see the notification when there is a new post. Beautiful work going on here!!!!

I have a question for you, how do you get the vintage look for this shot. I must know the secret!!!! Can you maybe share so I can start making my pics look this way.

thank you
thank you


Happy One Month Anniversary!

Elizabeth Rosemond

Yay!! Happy Anniversary...I love poking my head in every day :)


I'm just now finding the time to sit down and really read and enjoy this fabulous site. Thank you so much for all of the inspiration. Becca :)

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