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June 24, 2010


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I love love love your banner...It is so cute! You and Cheryl have SUPER inspired me to make a banner...but I am trying to sell my house so new decorations are not in the picture now...I will save that idea for when I move!

Sasha "sweet thang" Holloway

I love these .. I just sent off a crap load of thank you 4th of July cards and ATC mini's to some of my friends that are deployed and random troops ..

thanks for the inspiration to keep going Red White and Blue...



this is SO amazing Nora! i just love what you've done w/ the banner & your tags are amazingly cool!!!


love LOVE that banner, nora!! your house is beautiful, girl! :) and you are like the superhero aunt...i want to be your niece or sister that you send goodies to...how lucky are they?!! :)


Loving your starts & stripes projects-you are a master mister! :)
Your banner is nothing short of f a b u l o u s as is the little
arrangement it hangs over!


Great article, Nora!


I LOVE your banner, it looks amazing!!! Great Job!

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